ICELAND, Comments on each topic.


Personal Comments

 1. My comment of the first topic, "The general information of Iceland" is: For me it is a super interesting country since there are so many fascinating and extreme natural environments, they are like the love of life of any photographer, it is a place that I want to travel, something I discovered during my research is that it belongs to the Viking and Danish culture. Also, I did not know that it was one of the safest, most developed and happy countries in the world.

2. My comment of the topic "Culture, Customs and Gastronomy" is that traditional dishes are rare for me because they eat reindeer :( and they eat shark :0 and the worst thing is that they don't have a Mcdonal's, but they have a reason, and i like so much the rural houses, because are so cute. 

3. My comment of the topic "Geographic Region and Interesting facts" is: It is very interesting that being one of the safest countries they do not have an army, and also  is interesting that there are more volcanoes than people, but it is logical because they are in an area of ​​tectonic plates, and a fact that I know and did not put, is that Iceland has a tourist center where you can see two tectonic plates that belong to two different continents, the place is called "Silfra and it is in the lake "脼ingvallavatn " in "脼ingvellir" National Park"                                                                     *Please Visit him :p*

4. My comment of the topic "Food they eat and crops they grow" is: I didn't know what they growed, I thought it wasn't usually done because of such changeable climates, but like in Guatemala the ground is fertile in especifics areas, like "Almologa" or "Zunil", in Iceland too for the geotermic subfloor  and his sulfuric water.  For the minerals that has the  ground the crops are  so much helthy, i think. 

Some pictures of Iceland...

(this bread is cooked underground with the heat of the underground lava, everyone says that it is the best bread and even more so if it is eaten with cheese from the region)


  1. Let's go to Iceland together! your job is spectacular and one day we go to Iceland when we are rich and we will eat Mcdonal's hahahaha. Congrats Marce your job is one of the best I read ♥

  2. It is a super beautiful job Iceland is a beautiful country, and I am surprised that there are no ants and how the government cares about the people who live in that country

    1. I found this blog very interesting and beautiful, and without forgetting an interesting fact that I learned about how to prepare bread, they cook it under the ground with the heat of the lava, it surprised me without a doubt

  3. This country is so beautiful that I did not know that it had many cultures and history. I also want to go to know this country.

  4. Wow, this blog is very educational, I did not know that bread is cooked with lava. It is so interesting, with this blog I want to know personally the northern lights that I see so wonderful. Congratulations, I love your blog.


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